Saturday, May 17, 2008

Jailed Ex-Seal Trainee Gets New Hearing

United States - A former Navy Seal trainee who has served 12 years in prison has been awarded a hearing on his claim that his co-defendant was solely Responsible for Murdering a Georgia college student vacationing in Virginia Beach, Va.

Dustin Turner, 33, is seeking to get his murder conviction overturned on the strength of Billy Joe Brown's 2003 admission that Brown acted alone in the 1995 slaying of Jennifer Evans outside a bar.

Under a 2004 law allowing inmates to present newly discovered evidence of innocence, the Virginia Court of Appeals granted Turner a gearing to determine the credibility of Brown's confession, a step rarely taken by the courts. The hearing will take place nm May in Virgina Beach Circuit Court.

In 1995, Brown and Turner were Seal "swim buddies" who each blamed the other for the murder.

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