Sunday, October 28, 2007

Defending Old Ironsides

Chief Warrant Officer 3 Earl Hankins wondered whether it would be worth the savings in money and sailors billets for the Navy to turn over the USS Constitution to the city of Boston to run as a museum. Both tell the public about the Navy. The Constitution brings to life more than 200 years of history, bravery, sacrifice and victory. The Blue Angels exemplify the Navy of today and Navy of the future. The service of both is essential to maintaining public pride, interest and perhaps service in the Navy. I do not know what criteria are used in assigning personal to "Old Ironsides" I understand the Blue Angels take only the highest motivated, most qualified individuals. Orders to either command should be a reward for stellar past performance. Those receiving orders to either should not only meet high expectations, but also should want or even covet such duty.

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